Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health & Wellbeing

At Nicol Mere, we are passionate about providing our children with the lifelong emotional tools that will help them to deal with their mental health and well-being. We know that our school culture has a positive impact on well-being, and we all have a role to play in ensuring that ours is a warm, welcoming and supportive school.

Any one of us may need additional emotional support occasionally. When this happens, we encourage everyone in our school community to reach out and connect with a friend to share any concerns. Our school culture is one that promotes community and social cohesion, and we positively promote the idea that everyone in our school community should be able to identify at least one person that they can trust to speak to when times get difficult.

Our curriculum is designed to support children’s wellbeing, development of relationships and good mental health through a range of lessons and positive experiences including our PSHE curriculum, RE, PE and educational visits.

What can I do if I have a mental health concern?

At Nicol Mere, we have a dedicated mental health team in school:

Mrs Rebecca Parkinson- Safeguarding Lead

Miss Alison Shield – Mental Health Lead and Support staff

If you have any concerns or worries about yourself or someone you know, please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of our mental health team. Alternatively, speak to your child’s class teacher who can pass your concerns on to a member of the team. 

Useful mental health support links

1)    Think Wellbeing Wigan

Think Wellbeing offers free NHS therapy for people registered with a Wigan GP with common mental health problems like anxiety or low mood, to help you change the way you feel by changing the way you think. Use the link above to access more information and find contact details.


2)    Samaritans

If you need someone to talk to, the Samaritans helpline (116123) are there for you and will listen to any problems you are facing and offer advice and support.

3)    Kooth

Kooth is an online mental wellbeing community with discussion boards and a helpful team of professionals who can offer support if you facing a challenge with your mental health.


4)    Solihull approach parenting

This website offers online parenting courses in understanding your child’s mental health with support and advice links.


5)    Childline

Childline is a website that provides lots of information and advice for children and parents who are struggling with their mental health. There are games and activity links to provide children with exercises designed to distract their mind and support them when they’re feeling mentally challenged. 

Nicol Mere Podcasts

We are really excited to launch our Nicol Mere Positive Mental Health Podcasts. If your child wishes to continue to access guided relaxation and mindfulness, these are a great place to start.

Click here for the link.


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