Physical Education

Curriculum Statement

At Nicol Mere, we aim to provide a PE curriculum that pupils, from Reception to Year 6, not only enjoy but also allows them to experience a range of activities that help them to develop their health, fitness and wellbeing with confidence.

We want to provide opportunities for children to compete in sport and other activities that build character and help to embed values such as respect and fairness. We teach our children to cope with both success and failure in competitive, individual and team based physical activities.

Our goal is for children to develop a lifelong love of sport and fitness. 


Children will develop a rich understanding of different sports from our engaging, progressive curriculum.

·       To increase children’s fitness levels and their understanding of how to keep a healthy mind and body.

·       All children will be able to swim 25m by the end of KS2.

·       To provide children with opportunities that go beyond learning in the classroom. For example, residential  trips, competitions, extra-curricular activities. This will allow them to embed their knowledge and skills in everyday situations. 

·       To promote our school values/ British values.

·       To offer children exciting, new opportunities. 


At Nicol Mere, we recognise the importance that Physical Education has on our children’s physical and mental health. Therefore, the teaching of PE is paramount and it is well monitored by the subject leader and SLT. 

·       Children have access to a wide range of equipment.

·       Teachers are monitored and supported with the delivery of PE.

·       The children follow a progressive curriculum to embed skills and knowledge.

·       Curriculum coverage include guest speakers and professionals in that area.

·       Swimming lessons are provided by qualified coaches.

·       Play leaders are well trained and provide physical activities across the school.

·       Children have access to extra-curricular activities. 

·       Our curriculum follows the guidance of the National Curriculum.

·       We encourage children inside and outside of the classroom to develop their PE skills. For example, we provide parents with information about clubs inside and outside of school.

·       Our SEN/PP children are provided with a place in extra-curricular and holidays clubs.

·       We celebrate individual and group achievements.

·       All children will take part in high-quality lessons for at least 2hours per week.

·       To promote active lifestyle in and outside of school.



At Nicol Mere, the children are happy, confident learners within Physical Educational lessons. They experience a wide range of challenges within PE and can confidently respond to them in an appropriate age-related manner. By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programme of study. We use summative assessment to determine children’s understanding and skills which then informs teachers planning. Each part of the PE curriculum is reviewed on a termly basis by the subject leader. Our children, of all abilities and backgrounds, achieve well, which is reflected in the outstanding progress they make.  We provide our children with opportunities to attend competitive competitions and encourage them take part in extra-curricular clubs to lead a healthy life style. 

Our Awards

PE Curriculum

Nicol Mere Football Team

Year 1

Year 4

Year 2

Year 5

Year 3

Year 6

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