Gold polo shirt with school logo, navy blue cardigan ‘V’ neck with pockets and school logo, navy blue and grey tartan skirt (kilt only) or navy blue and grey tartan pinafore or pale blue and white gingham summer dress, white socks or plain navy blue tights, black shoes with sensible heels (no trainers or boots)
NB: Please note, girls can wear light grey trousers (not leggings) and a navy blue round neck sweatshirt with school logo if preferred
Gold polo shirt with school logo, navy blue sweatshirt round neck with school logo, light grey trousers (not charcoal), plain grey socks, black shoes (no trainers or boots)
Navy blue book bag (strong Nylon with velcro fastening and woven school logo)
All children are to wear: Pumps (not trainers for safety reasons), navy blue shorts with white bodied/navy blue sleeved t-shirt.
Dark coloured tracksuit/joggers and sweatshirt can be worn when the weather is cold. Trainers can be worn when PE is outside.
Navy blue pump bag (nylon with drawstring and woven school logo)
Can you please ensure that if your child has pierced ears, they wear studs for school, not fashion earrings. Your child must also be able to take them out by themselves when they have P.E. as no earrings at all are allowed during this lesson, for health and safety reasons. When children go to High School, they are not allowed earrings at school at any time, or under any circumstance. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.
Both suppliers offer a ‘lay-away’ service, where you can reserve uniform and pay off small amounts weekly. Please contact the supplier direct.
Uniform is also available to purchase in school from our second-hand shop. We have all items available at very reasonable prices!
Any queries can be answered by Mrs Pugh, our senior administrator.
Any SENDs queries can be answered by Miss Norris, our SENDco, using the contact details given.
Please note: If you require a paper copy of the any of the information on the website, you can request this from the school office. Requests may take up to 10 working days.
Tel: 01942 720871