At Nicol Mere, we are committed to ensuring that all of our community are safe, sensible and ethical users of the internet and electronic devices. With an ever-growing technological world, it is vital that we teach our children the skills needed to keep themselves safe online; we achieve this through an online safety curriculum that is taught alongside our computing curriculum as well as through our PSHE curriculum and educational visits.
We also have a strong partnership with parents and work together with them to ensure the online safety message is consistent both at home and at school. It is important that parents speak to their children about how they can keep safe and behave appropriately online.
What can I do if I have an online safety concern?
If you ever have any concerns or worries about something that happens online, you can speak to Mrs Parkinson (Designated safeguarding lead and online safety lead) or your class teacher.
Alternatively, you can use the CEOP report it link where you can report any online issues.
Useful online safety links
1) Internet Matters
A place to find expert support and practical tips to help children benefit from connected technology and understand how to use the internet safely and smartly. This website also provides ways to report if you are worried about anything your child has seen online.
2) Net Aware
This website discusses popular social networks such as apps and games that your child could be accessing. It provides information on the app such as age ratings.
CEOP is a law enforcement agency to help keep children and young people safe from sexual abuse and online grooming. If you are worried or suspicious about anything you see online – as a parent or a child – click on the red CEOP button to report it.
4) Childnet International
This website allows you to access education, stay in touch and have fun online. There are also some useful top tips on how to protect and support your child with their online lives.
Follow the SMART rules to support your child in keeping safe online:
S – Stay safe and don’t give out personal information online.
M – Never meet up with anyone you’ve met or talk to online.
A – Don’t accept files or downloads from people you do not know.
R – Use reliable websites to source information.
T – Tell a trusted adult if you have any concerns or worries about something that has happened online.
Any queries can be answered by Mrs Pugh, our senior administrator.
Any SENDs queries can be answered by Miss Norris, our SENDco, using the contact details given.
Please note: If you require a paper copy of the any of the information on the website, you can request this from the school office. Requests may take up to 10 working days.
Tel: 01942 720871