Sports Premium

Sports Premium

At Nicol Mere, we pride ourselves on the high quality of Physical Education within school and our commitment to ensuring that children are given many opportunities to participate in competitive sporting experiences. We endeavor to use our substantial Primary PE and Sports Premium Funding effectively to achieve sustainable improvements for the future of our pupils.

We have been awarded the ‘Gold Standard Schools Games Mark’ as recognition for our commitment to, and the development of competition, school sport, physical education and physical activity – thus demonstrating effective use of previous Sports Premium Funding.

Through our PE curriculum, we aim to achieve many things; raise pupil’s achievements, increase children's moral and social development, and support our children to be healthy, both physically and mentally.

After school sports clubs and/or lunchtime sports clubs are available daily: last academic year, 135 children attended at least one extra-curricular sports club.

Children are given lots of opportunities to participate in intra and inter school competitions regularly hosted by ourselves. Sporting success stories are regularly shared on our school Facebook page, newsletters and during our weekly celebration assemblies. We encourage our pupils to join local sports teams, and we have built up successful links with local amateur clubs – we endeavor to instill a lifelong love of sport and physical activity and for children to realise the importance of physical activity for them to be healthy. 

 For more information on 2022/23 funding, please see our Sports Premium Strategy document by clicking the button below.

Sports Premium Strategy 2023-24
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