Modern Foreign Language

Curriculum Statement

The core language taught at Nicol Mere Primary School is French. It is our intention that all children in KS2 will access quality first teaching of French which will develop our children’s knowledge and progressively develop their skills in languages.

They will use and apply an increasing bank of vocabulary thus equipping the children with the skills in order to be confident global citizens. In Lower Key Stage 2, children acquire basic skills and understanding of French with a strong emphasis placed on developing their Speaking and Listening skills.

These will be embedded and further developed in Upper Key Stage 2, alongside Reading and Writing, gradually progressing onto more complex language concepts and greater learner autonomy.


1.   To have high expectations in language teaching across KS2 so that children are confident global citizens.

2.  To provide a broad and balance curriculum which is progressive in knowledge, skills and vocabulary

3.  To give our children an understanding and appreciation of the French culture.

4.  To offer our children new and exciting experiences and opportunities. 

5.  To promote our school values.

6.  To offer a curriculum that enables children to express their ideas and thoughts in French and provides opportunities to interact and communicate with others in both speech and writing.

7.  To foster children’s curiosity and help deepen their understanding of the world.

8.  To prepare our children for the next steps in their learning journey.


Upon entry into Key Stage 2, the children in our school begin their MFL curriculum. The MFL curriculum at Nicol Mere is provided by an external specialist (Primary Languages VLE) through weekly 45 minute sessions across each class in Key Stage 2. These sessions are delivered through the use of planning and resources adapted from this scheme. The work that the children complete within these sessions is kept within their MFL folders. Throughout the year, the learning that the children complete within their MFL sessions is reinforced by the class teacher through classroom displays and short activities.

Our school follows a LTP that has been adapted from the Primary Languages Network scheme of work for French. It is a live scheme which is continually updated and revised in order to meet with current curriculum standards.

Built into the LTP are opportunities for children to develop their knowledge and appreciation of French culture. The activities completed with MFL sessions allow the children to develop their skills in other subjects such as: their performance skills in music when learning songs and sketching skills when completing certain tasks within their units. Within our Geography sessions, the children are able to make links to their learning about French culture of vocabulary when they learn about different French speaking countries.


As a result of our MFL curriculum, the children are able to develop their understanding of other cultures and learn to celebrate the diversity within them. Over their time in Key Stage 2, the children develop communication and conversational skills as well as their ability to speak, listen, read and write in a new language. Through our MFL curriculum, we are preparing our children well for further language learning in the future.

MFL Curriculum

Year 3

Year 6

Year 4

Year 5

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